one thing that seems to be a little odd about our new place is that the lights in the kitchen go on and off on their own and then they'll come back on and another one will go out. i have decided that it must be a new way of saving energy-not having all the light bulbs on at the same time...andy says we just need to replace them...we'll see.
so after arguing for 15m about who would go get the camera out of the 4-runner i have the camera. :) (its cold outside! lol) here are some pics of what march has been like. enjoy!
this is the kitchen with the lights that are sometimes out. they take turns, its odd
living room-not too bad for just moving in-right?
got to love the midnight pics! this is the midnight 5k andy decided to run the day we moved. our other friend andy called him up and asked if he wanted to join the party-andy immediately thought "what would sam bremmer do?" and then replied yes. we were up till 1am and then got up later that day to move all of our stuff-love it.
this is andy and andy afterwards. they got their butts kicked but did impressively well for just running an impromptu 3.2 miles!
this was a primary activity that we did for st. patricks day. we made little hats and had a cake walk and then went on a hunt to find the missing shamrocks. while they were hunting a leapercon came and put candy in their shoes. too much fun! i am going to miss these guys!
With the new place comes a new ward-wish us luck!
ps-we have lots of boxes. come and get them-please!