Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Time

Now that Thanksgiving is over I can think about the Christmas season without feeling guilty. I have to say that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday but I love the whole Fall and Winter seasons. Some family traditions that Andy and I have started the past two years will be repeated this Christmas. The first weekend of December we go out and chop down our tree. I get to search and pick it out and Andy gets to chop it down. This year living so close to mountains and forests, we didn't have to go far to find the perfect tree...although it never looks as good inside our house and it does on the mountain side. Andy says I always pick out trees like Charlie Brown and find the most pitiful to bring home. Despite his taunts, I love our tree every year and swear its better than the year before. This year we found one with a little surprise in it (see below). We pop popcorn and sting them, along with cranberries, onto our tree. Along with my Mom's homemade snowflakes and some poinsettias, it looks amazing, My Mom made us a tree skirt this year and now it looks complete. I LOVE THIS TRADITION! AdaMarie doesn't seem to think the tree or the presents are all that great and leaves it alone, which it wonderful. Along with the old Nativity set and some homemade stalkings, we are set to bring on the holidays! We will be flying to Portland to celebrate this year and we are so excited! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fall Fun

I am not very good at blogging these days because my life is pretty boring. Don't get me wrong-boring isn't so bad. Exciting can mean all kinds of things and not always good things. Andy is really getting into the school here and really enjoys having his Fridays and Holidays off. We just got back from a last minute trip to Weiser for Thanksgiving and it was sooooo much fun! We missed Macy and Jason but everyone else was there and it was so good to see them. I cooked the turkey which turned out amazing. I also made our place cards and they were just as fun to make as they were to eat. I will post a picture on here so you can see them. I learned it from a sharing time in primary last week. We played a Thanksgiving Day game which my team won and then we sang the Pilgrims and the Indians song. Then we all commenced the Black Friday shopping ad search and talked till late. Early the next morning (3:45am) my mom and I were up and on the road to shop shop shop. We had so much fun and this year didn't seem as bad as the last. We didn't really hit any HUGE crowds and as always got just what we were looking for. My mom took me to breakfast and then home again home again. Ada and Andy missed me all that day and it was so nice to get a break from being "mom". I really look forward to it every year and I am so glad we went. Its just not Thanksgiving if I'm not home.
Andy goes to Denver tomorrow to observe some classes so it will just be a girls night in tonight. After that, we only have 3 weeks till Christmas vacation and a trip to Portland. I am excited to escape some of the cold winter weather here and enjoy the mild temperature of St. Helens.
AdaMarie is getting so big. She can kinda crawl, spin and sit and its very effective getting her where she wants to go. She LOVES to chew on wires and be under tables and chairs. She is also getting very good at the downward dog pose in Yoga. OH and I don't know if I put any Halloween pics on here so there are a few of those as well. We were pumpkin farmers and Ada was our pumpkin.

That's all for now.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


We have been in Saratoga, Wy for over a month now and after several mental break downs I have come to accept my current location. It is very different from where I just came from but that is just as good of a thing as it is bad. I am a lot more independent and organized. I don't spend as much money and I have tons more time to spend with my cute family. All good things. Andy is really enjoying his high school math job and We got to all the sports events and play volleyball on Thursday evenings at the community center. Too much fun. We have callings in church now-Andy is the Young Men's president (I guess the first one they have had in years and years) and I am a sunbeams teacher. I love little kids and primary is way easy so I think I lucked out. We stay very busy and I am little miss home maker. I am making my Christmas presents and crocheter a little scarf for Ada  so she won't freeze! We like our house and the people here are fantastic. Now if I could just lose a little baby weight that would be great!!! There are days upon days where I don't leave the house for a few reasons-its freezing, no car, no where to go anyway so Thursdays and Sundays are great days!!! All in all things are good. Here are some photos and a video for you to enjoy!

Our View from Deck

Scenes from a Sunday drive just south of where we live

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

summer time and the livings easy

welcome to our fantastic summer.
we have been going non stop this summer and have been fitting as much fun in as possible. we were able to get a job in wyoming so the stress of job finding was short lived. right after the interview we had the chance to run the camp ground up in weiser id for the fiddle fest that happens every third week in june. it was a ton of fun and quite relaxing. AdaMarie was a champ and was very good. we have been to the drive-in in nampa, one of our favorite things to do and we also climbed table rock. the garrison family reunion just finished and it was so great to finally meet little Penelopy. she is too much fun and Nolan has really gotten big. we are planning one more big road trip starting tomorrow to portland and seattle with camping, floating and beaches in the forecast. here are some pictures to help fill in the cracks.

Ada and Andy listening to music in the park at Fiddle fest 2011

The RV that was our office at the campsite

Roasting marshmallows with the Balls

At the top of Table Rock in Boise

The cutest little girl behaving so well on the hike

swimming at the pool in Weiser at the Family reunion

Sweet cousins

Family pictures

our little one is 3 months old now and getting to be so independent and fun!
it sure was a lot of fun and we still have some fun coming so stay tuned!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Oh baby, baby!

i apologize to anyone that tries to read my blogs and actually keep up with my life. apparently i can't even keep up with my life because i don't even have time to blog about it-it just seems to happen with out slowing down.
so, we had a kid! :)
here are some super cute pics from start to finish.

me in labor at the birthing center where i didn't have my little one...

the first time i was able to hold her after the surgery and recovery

after being poked at getting her temp taken

at home chilling around 2 weeks old

AdaMarie at cute as can be
i am glad that i have at least posted pictures of her. she is just so darn cute i can't even handle it some times. she is smiling and sometimes giggling and trying so hard to be a big girl and sit up and lift her head. although we had a few scary moments a some hard patches we are happy and have the BEST baby that has ever lived. we are so great full!

Friday, March 25, 2011


i love fish.
we are on our way to buy more fish right now.
i love fish.
i added the little gadget to my blog so i can see fish anywhere
and you can love fish too.
you should love fish.

-fish lover

Sunday, March 6, 2011

march is here and with it is coming the new season of spring. i feel like milly in seven brides for seven brothers because with spring this year comes a new addition to our little family. adamarie is due april 25th and we just can't wait to get her here...especially me!
but i did want to post some pics of what has been happening as of late. before we left rexburg i decided that even though i made andy and his buddy work luggage during student moves...and our anniversary...that we should so something fun. after andy loaded luggage we hopped on the shuttle and went to SLC to eat at PF Changs. it was totally worth the trip! we also were able to hook up with a friend down there and went and saw the lights on temple square. it was great!

I have also been getting little crafty with my bad self with all the time i have these days. i have made some blankets and these little Binky holders that clamp onto the babies clothes so it doesn't fall into the dirt when they lose it.

i am also happy to report that i have made dinner almost every night since we have moved here. i really didn't think i had it in me but i have done an ok job. recipes have gotten a little more exciting as well. these are giant tacos that andy had on his mission. its fried bread batter and then taco fixings on top. its super super good but very large. andy ate his and half of mine.

 i get bored in my free time and andy thought he should document this moment.

this was a baby shower my sister's in law threw for me. it was a blast and we had a ton of people show and party with us.

cute crib blanket my mother in law made me-i LOVE it!

i had a few other pics i wanted to post but my stupid computer kept deleting them. no idea why. right now we are just waiting for the little lady to get here.
spring break is in two weeks and andy can't wait. he is getting better every day with the kids and i think by the end of the year he will like teaching teenagers. we are looking into graduate programs for him and he is thinking statistics. hopefully we will be able to call the treasure valley home for a few years until he gets his masters and figures our what he wants to do when he grows up. :)
until next month!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

life changes

so we have finally done it! we have moved from the ice-burg in eastern idaho and made it to the banana belt in western idaho. i have noticed a drastic change in my attitude towards winter since this move-i no longer find it an excruciating experience! its january and i can go for a walk outside, play in the park, and not out on 5 coats just to run to the store. i love it.
andy started work and officially hates teenagers. i told him to get used to them now so he can be all warmed up for when our kids become teenagers. he says they argue with everything he says and have no motivation at all. to his credit, the school gave him all the kids that are behind and usually have some behavior problems. i told him that it would just make him a better teacher. he sure does work with some great people. i have met some of them and they are so nice and helpful and are there to support him after a tough day. it has meant a lot.
i am enjoying my time with nolan, my nephew. he is getting more and more fun each day. it has been a challenge to go from working in an office to babysitting at home. it is good practice for when our little one comes. speaking of which, i am now into my third and final trimester. i cannot not wait to be done. its like a new symptom of something comes every week, adding to the last one. this weeks arrival is the agonizing pain of sciatica. fun fun fun :)
we are happy and settled. its great to be here for now and will keep you posted on any new developments that happen on our end.
have a good day!