Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fall Fun

I am not very good at blogging these days because my life is pretty boring. Don't get me wrong-boring isn't so bad. Exciting can mean all kinds of things and not always good things. Andy is really getting into the school here and really enjoys having his Fridays and Holidays off. We just got back from a last minute trip to Weiser for Thanksgiving and it was sooooo much fun! We missed Macy and Jason but everyone else was there and it was so good to see them. I cooked the turkey which turned out amazing. I also made our place cards and they were just as fun to make as they were to eat. I will post a picture on here so you can see them. I learned it from a sharing time in primary last week. We played a Thanksgiving Day game which my team won and then we sang the Pilgrims and the Indians song. Then we all commenced the Black Friday shopping ad search and talked till late. Early the next morning (3:45am) my mom and I were up and on the road to shop shop shop. We had so much fun and this year didn't seem as bad as the last. We didn't really hit any HUGE crowds and as always got just what we were looking for. My mom took me to breakfast and then home again home again. Ada and Andy missed me all that day and it was so nice to get a break from being "mom". I really look forward to it every year and I am so glad we went. Its just not Thanksgiving if I'm not home.
Andy goes to Denver tomorrow to observe some classes so it will just be a girls night in tonight. After that, we only have 3 weeks till Christmas vacation and a trip to Portland. I am excited to escape some of the cold winter weather here and enjoy the mild temperature of St. Helens.
AdaMarie is getting so big. She can kinda crawl, spin and sit and its very effective getting her where she wants to go. She LOVES to chew on wires and be under tables and chairs. She is also getting very good at the downward dog pose in Yoga. OH and I don't know if I put any Halloween pics on here so there are a few of those as well. We were pumpkin farmers and Ada was our pumpkin.

That's all for now.